1st Assistant Camera (1st AC) - The 1st AC is the chief assistant to the camera operator. The 1st sssistant camera person is in charge of measuring and pulling focus during filming. The 1st AC also threads the film through the camera when a new magazine is loaded. This person also helps setup and build the camera, as well as maintain and clean the camera and lenses.
2nd Assistant Camera (2nd AC) - Twhe 2nd AC is also known as the loader. The 2nd assistant camera person is primarily responsible for loading and unloading the new rolls of film into the different magazines, as well as maintaining and filling out all the camera reports for the film lab. This person also runs the slate or clapper to maintain sync and the correct labeling for each and every shot.
Aerial Photographer - The aerial photographer or camera operator is qualified and equipped to photograph and film aboard aerial devices. This usually refers to small airplanes and helicopter camera filming.
Data Handler / Wrangler - This is a fairly new job position that has been created in response to the popular use of digital video formats. The data wrangler is usually responsible for organizing, labeling, downloading, duplicating and reformatting the digital storage disks for use on set and the editing room.
Director of Photography - HD & Film - The cinematographer or director of photography (D.P.) is in charge of the overall visual look of the movie as seen through the camera. They assist in choosing film stocks, camera bodies and which lenses to use. They decide on shot framing and camera movements in conjunction with the director. They are also in charge of the camera crew, lighting design and collaborating with the gaffer.
Director of Photography - Video - The video director of photography (D.P.) is in charge of the overall visual look of the video, as seen through the camera. They recommend which cameras and lenses to use for the production. They design the shot's framing, and the camera movements in conjunction with the director. They are also in charge of the camera crew, lighting design and collaborating with the gaffer.
DIT - Digital Imaging Technician - This is a fairly new job position that was created in response to the popular use of high-end digital video formats. The digital imaging technician uses various image manipulation methods to achieve the highest possible image quality during the production. This person usually manages the transferring and storage of the image data as well.
Steadicam Operator - The steadicam is a camera mounting device that utilizes a mechanical arm attached to a body harness to provide extremely smooth hand-held shots. The steadicam operator is responsible for setting up and operating the steadicam during production. Most steadicam operators are very physically fit due to the amount of strength and endurance needed to operate the steadicam.
Still Photographer - This person takes still photographs and essentially documents the behind-the-scenes making of the production. Often, this person photographs images used for marketing purposes such as movie posters and DVD box art.
2nd Assistant Camera (2nd AC) - Twhe 2nd AC is also known as the loader. The 2nd assistant camera person is primarily responsible for loading and unloading the new rolls of film into the different magazines, as well as maintaining and filling out all the camera reports for the film lab. This person also runs the slate or clapper to maintain sync and the correct labeling for each and every shot.
Aerial Photographer - The aerial photographer or camera operator is qualified and equipped to photograph and film aboard aerial devices. This usually refers to small airplanes and helicopter camera filming.
Data Handler / Wrangler - This is a fairly new job position that has been created in response to the popular use of digital video formats. The data wrangler is usually responsible for organizing, labeling, downloading, duplicating and reformatting the digital storage disks for use on set and the editing room.
Director of Photography - HD & Film - The cinematographer or director of photography (D.P.) is in charge of the overall visual look of the movie as seen through the camera. They assist in choosing film stocks, camera bodies and which lenses to use. They decide on shot framing and camera movements in conjunction with the director. They are also in charge of the camera crew, lighting design and collaborating with the gaffer.
Director of Photography - Video - The video director of photography (D.P.) is in charge of the overall visual look of the video, as seen through the camera. They recommend which cameras and lenses to use for the production. They design the shot's framing, and the camera movements in conjunction with the director. They are also in charge of the camera crew, lighting design and collaborating with the gaffer.
DIT - Digital Imaging Technician - This is a fairly new job position that was created in response to the popular use of high-end digital video formats. The digital imaging technician uses various image manipulation methods to achieve the highest possible image quality during the production. This person usually manages the transferring and storage of the image data as well.
Steadicam Operator - The steadicam is a camera mounting device that utilizes a mechanical arm attached to a body harness to provide extremely smooth hand-held shots. The steadicam operator is responsible for setting up and operating the steadicam during production. Most steadicam operators are very physically fit due to the amount of strength and endurance needed to operate the steadicam.
Still Photographer - This person takes still photographs and essentially documents the behind-the-scenes making of the production. Often, this person photographs images used for marketing purposes such as movie posters and DVD box art.